This is where I talk abt whatever the fuck I want

How I plan to beat my phone addiction... with more tech! (04/11/24)

So, I already talked about my feelings in regards to social media lolz. I basically came to the conclusion that giving my phone very few functions would help. Basically I would get different single function devices, I already have a digital camera, next would be an mp3 player, I also have pen and a notebook.

I already download my music instead of streaming music, so I already have the files, the thing that would change would be the different devices, that would also save battery in my phone, which would be good.

It's basically gonna give me less and less reasons to use my phone, which is what I want. If I feel like getting a feature phone I will but as for now that would be my "edc" sorta.

Healing my relationship with social media (1/11/24 18:26)

I tend to delete and create accounts on social media constantly, I get bored, make an account, I get burnt out, delete the account, and the cycle repeats

I am tired of that cycle but I recognise that for some stuff I do need social media, be it keeping up with my university teachers and strikes, a friend who is from other country and so on.

I decided that I cannot use social media and have a smartphone because I'm highly addicted to both things. I should either use social media through my tablet and pc and have a basic phone or have no social media and a smartphone.

Before you think any solution to the smartphone+social media addiction I tried it all. Deleting the apps, using timers, deleting the play store, etc. The only thing that worked was having no social media at all, but as I already I don't feel like not using it.

How am I gonna cover the lack of apps for my future flip phone? I don't know, I will probably do as much as I can through my tablet at home and then use my smartphone for whatever else I need. I know not everyone likes the idea of carrying multiple devices but I don't need the smartphone for much so I will carry it with me very few times.

And if anything, I will use it as an mp3 player too, if I see it's shitty as fuck to use it like that I will probably get one second hand. We like to recicle here.

I want to be able to use social media without it ruining my life, which I know it's hard but not impossible.

I won't use social media forever, I know that, there will be a point where I won't need instagram to keep up with my friend abroad or to keep up with uni. But right now I do and as shitty as it is, it's my reality.

Not everyone needs to do a change as radical as this to fix their internet addiction, but at least I do, or more like, I want to. Yes, I want to.

Of course I'm not gonna spend money on a different phone just for the vibes but come on, the compact desing feature phones have is superior.

I will update you all on my journey to beat this addiction, amongst others. Thanks for reading :3

Having a hard time finding purpose (23/10/24 18:53)

Sometimes I find it hard to give or choose purpose for my life. Sometimes... I mean always.

I see every little thing that I wish was different, and ngl, it makes me really depressed.

I kind of wish I had a different brain sometimes. I feel like a mistake.

I don't know where this entry might go tbh. I feel lost in general.

I'm reaching out to my friends more which is good but still, I feel stuck.

I'm selling handmade patches now, that's something new but in the sense of my path I feel completely frustrated.

Idk if I want or can do college for example, am I really that good at it? I really don't know.

I don't wanna do something that will make me suffer. Ik it's impossible to no feel pain but I wanna make it as unfrequent as possible.

Pain is part of my everyday life most times, I don't want it to be that way.

I wanna be free but for that, sadly, I need money and to make that money and live based off of art I need to have a career,a title, something!

I just wish thing were easier to deal with. In my mind everything is suffering yet in reality things are way more simple.

It's a pain in the ass to be this fucking weak and stupid. I want to be strong, I want change! I want to stop playing the victim.

PQ intervenir ropa DIY OR DIE (3/10/24)

Primero que nada intervenir ropa puede ser tan caro o barato como se te dé la gana :3 y segundo, le dá un factor único a tu ropa.

Puede ser que tengas ropa vieja de algún familiar que no te termina de gustar o ir con tu estilo, o pensas que ese estilo alternativo que te gusta nunca lo vas a poder lograr pq es muy caro cuando en realidad la mayoría de subculturas/tribus urbanas se basan en el principio del DIY or DIE que sería básicamente "hazlo tu mismo o muere"...

No necesitas comprar ropa nueva para cambiar tu estilo, solo tenés que modificar lo que ya tenés en tu armario.

No necesitas máquinas de coser o saber coser siquiera. De todas maneras, coser no es muy dificil, ser prolijo sí pero coser como tal nop.

Hay miles de miles de tutoriales en youtube y tiktok para intervenir ropa, o podés experimentar tmb, ya sea teñir ropa, cortar, añadir parte, accesorizar, etc.

Hace mucho no compro ropa incluso porque llevo interviniendo lo que ya tengo hace más de un año, y si necesito algo simplemente lo compro de segunda mano o familiares y amigos de mi familia me traen ropa que ya no usan...

No solo te hace un poco más cool B) sino que tmb es barato y sustentable.

Supongo que ya saben pero hoy en día hay más ropa que nunca, innecesariamente, teniendo en cuenta que las modas suelen volver... No necesitas comprar ropa nueva, solo necesitas intervenirla...

No solo es sustentable sino que es super bajo costo manejarse así.

Siempre que no me gusta algo de mi ropa lo intervengo, corto, coso, pinto, etc. Lo que sea con tal de encontrar la vuelta para tener ropa que me guste.

El diy or die no es solo para gente alterniva igual, todos los estilos pueden usar un poco de diy si sos lo suficientemente comprometido.

Hay gente que incluso tiene emprendimientos haciendo esto. Intentemos hacer la moda más circular!!!

Cabe aclarar, obvio que no es una posibilidad para todos, a veces por cuestiones de tiempo, dinero, etc uno tiene que gastar en marcas de ropa fast fashion que no son muy éticas pero no pasa nda. No existe un consumo totalmente ético bajo el capitalismo. Uno simplemente tiene que intentar hacer lo mejor que pueda...

Por eso este post es una invitación y no una orden! Yo no soy quién para decirles como tienen que manejarse con la ropa, obvio. Solo quiero compartir mi entusiasmo por esta práctica que se me hace muy divertida e interesante...

Incluso sirve si querés merch de una banda/fandom y no conseguís merch oficial. Por ejemplo, me hice remeras de bandas que me gustan :3 el cielo es el límite en cuanto a el diy...

Bueno, eso es todo, espero tomen como una posibilidad esto, y si es así comenten, o cuenten que hicieron :33